
Ankommet til Spanien


Dækkener ankommet i Spanien, hvor Vicky tager imod og sørger for den videre fordeling mellem internaterne
allerede taget i brug af en taknemmelig lille sjæl


Dækkener ankommet til Spanien
på Valentines Dag :-)

MARTS 2009
og vi fik en dejlig mail fra Vicky:

Dear Sus,
Once again thank you so much..and please thank all your 'Great Dane' friends for the fine new coats, and also for the lovely collers and leads...very smart!  We'll have to be careful with all that jewelry...we will put a Guardia Civil behind every dog in case the thieves go after the 'real' diamonds, and the dogs!
We had a good laugh with Lobo and the big thick coat that  you sent in the separate box with the collers!
We wanted to try it on Lobo, but the coat had some dog hairs on the inside...and Lobo was twisting and turning and would have none of it!  He would not stay still...!!! 
What sort of coat is that? Is it for heavy snow? because it is very well padded, but is has so many hooks and straps that it must have been made for heavy the army or something. We certainly have never seen a coat like that before!  I will have to find out were is most cold to send it over, as in this area will soon be it is less cold than more northern parts of the country.
I hope you haven't got to mortgage your house to pay for the postage!!!
Lots of love, for you, for Ann, Grethe, Lene, Barbara and Benny...and more...and more.... 
From me, and all of us here in tierra NOT SANTA,

og her er pakken så åbnet, så dækkenerne, halsbånd og snore kan bliver fordelt, hvor de gør mest gavn

September 2009
Så er sommeren og de alt for varme fingre ved at være overstået, og der er igen sat gang i symaskinen
En sending dejlige lune strik-trøjer og regnvejrs-dækkener har fundet vej til Vicky, der glad og taknemmelig præsenterer dem på sin seng, inden de skal videre ud til de trængende internater

Og så er det ikke kun i Danmark, der findes glade modeller
"Misserne" Betsy og Amy, der bor hos Vicky, indtil de kan finde et hjem, stiller gerne op til fotografering



og Vicky skrev:

As you can see, your beautiful collection has arrived to Spain, and one or two coats have already been "modelled" by 'Miss Amy' and 'Miss Betsy', the two youg ladies we have at home! The other five dogs...some wanted to try them and some wanted to eat them. We persuaded them that this was not a good idea!!
The coats are very nice and I am sure they'll make a difference to dogs here in the cold winter.
I am glad you have sent some waterproof coats, because in some parts of Spain it rains a lot, and when they have no proper overhead cover (many shelters don't have) if the coats get wet they stay all night with them on, until the volunteers start work in the mornings. Dogs are a bit daft in that sense...they don't always get out of the way when it rains! I suppose it would be too much, to expect them to be THAT sensible!!!
Anyway, once more thank you very much for your efforts, and I will soon ask some protectoras who needs the coats most.
Million kisses and hugs to you all,




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